
Our Strength

The strength of Soviet Pharma lies in the excellent infrastructure we have built over the years to give way to innovations. While the infrastructure is well-equipped to meet all the challenges in developing medications, Soviet Pharma has the approval of all the major accreditors, such as WHO-GMP.

The development centre of Soviet Pharma can scale up the production of medications in times of need and urgency. The products we developed cover a wide category of pharmacology such as lubricatings, antibiotics, NSAID, anti allergic, anti glaucoma, anti migrane, multivitamin tablets & syrup etc.

We focus on exporting and marketing eye products to ensure a healthy eye for everyone. We upgrade our knowledge and technology regularly to adhere to international standards. To ensure that our medicines offer the best effects to the clients, we formulate them in controlled environments using only the best quality material and ingredients.

Futuristic Solutions for Eye-care

We at Soviet Pharma have incorporated a modernist way of thinking to bring a paradigm shift in the ophthalmology sector. This has helped us gain excellence in the industry that helped us take the level of ophthalmology to new heights of success and development. Our drive for growth is ceaseless, and with each passing second, our team receives torrents of ideas out of which only the best ones are taken into consideration as we take integrity and responsibility in the fact that our services are meant to cure the ailments of our patients.


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